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New Era greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.

Without any doubt, the month of January has been a unique month for us both as a church and as individuals in Winners Family.

The testimonies from the recently concluded prayer and fasting is a proof that God is out to launch everyone of us in to the supernatural turnaround season this year. May the diverse encounters each of us have had remain as living testimonies in our lives for a long time to come. To God be all the glory.


But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of February 2025? As we all know, the dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. Whenever light steps in, darkness steps out without any contention – Isa. 60:1-3 / Jhn. 1:1-5


From scriptures, we understand that sin is a work of darkness and its mission is to hold God’s people bound in darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth – Mat. 8:12/ Mat. 22:13

But the armor of light is the guarantee for our triumph over the powers of darkness –Eph. 6: 12/ Rom. 13:12

But Here is the good news:

  • The dominion of sin was crushed when Jesus rose from the dead and a believer now choses to yield himself as a servant of sin or righteousness – Rom.6:16-19/ Mat. 28:18

  • By redemption, sin has been reduced to a choice in a believer’s life – 1Jhn. 3:3/ 1Tim.2:19-21

  • Sin lost its power at the cross when Jesus declared “it is finished” – Jhn. 19:30/ Col. 2:13-15

  • There and then, the root cause of sin was destroyed – 1Jhn. 3:7-8

  • Sin has no more dominion over the life of the redeemed as we engage the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus – Rom. 6:14/ Rom. 8:1-5

  • For instance, we cannot live right without thinking right – Mak. 7:21-23/ Phil. 4:8

  • No one can ever dominate what he does not despise – num. 13:32-33 / Dan.3:17-28

  • However, true repentance is the only way to have our sins forgiven and get back on track with God – 1Jhn. 2:8-10

  • This implies that one can be free from the siege of unclean spirits by the revelation of the mystery of godliness if one truly chooses to be – Mat. 5:8/ 1Tim. 3:16

  • Interestingly, a commitment to living a sanctified life is the covenant gateway to possessing our possessions in the kingdom – Obed. 1:17/ Act. 20:32

  • Note that the choice we make is absolutely our responsibility because God will never force His will on anyone –1Thes. 3:4/ Luk. 9:51-54/ Rev. 3:20

  • In conclusion, just as salvation cannot be forced on anyone, sanctification cannot be forced on any believer – Jhn. 3:16/Rom.6:16-18

  • Therefore, If God cannot force His choice on us, how can the devil succeed to do that? – Eph. 4:27/ 1Pet. 5:8-9 / Jam. 4:7

  • We must stop shifting blames, its high time we took responsibility for the future and eternity we look forward to – Isa. 51:1-3/ 2Tim. 4:6-8

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month is
”My Inheritance Demands Sanctification for Delivery – Act. 20:32

Recommended Books for the month :
* Walking in the newness of life
* Conquering controlling powers

Remain ever blessed.


Jesus Is Lord!


David O. Oyedepo



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